Little Twin Stars are fictional characters created by the SANRIO Company. Little Twin Stars are Kiki and Lala. They were born on December 24, 1975 and are from Omdyari Star in the Yume Star-Cloud. They traveled a long way to earth to learn how to be the best, and brightest stars that they can be. Lala (girl) is , older but a little timid. She loves drawing, writing poems and cooking. Kiki (boy) is curious about everything and loves star fishing.
– Little Twin Stars hand towel.
– Soft | Quality sewn.
– 100% cotton.
– 14.5 x 13.0 inches | 35.0 x 32.0 cm (Approx.)
– Made in Japan.
– Brand new item.
– UPC #490161011128.
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